Digital wizardry is a lot about having a great many options and tools at a magician's disposal and making use of the parts to make a simple interface for the new idea. Society has a huge responsibility to allow more people to learn the magic of building digital machines.
There are a few technologies that are expected to bring new waves of disruption. What will cause disruption will not be the technologies in themselves, but the application of them on real and tangible business problems. The reason to gauge they are ripe for wider use, is that we start to see user interfaces to them. The techologies are machine learning (already here), deep learning AI (getting there) and blockchain technologies (nearing faster than we think!).
Tech can be a force for good, and we need to have strong collaboration between government and the tech business. AI and blockchain are strong enablers, they will significantly change how we interact with the world. There is a strong belief in that humankind can solve it's big problems. The number of good people vastly exceeds the number of bad ones, so we just have to keep in mind our violent history and build on the strong foundations of peace and prosperity to build a great future.
A peak performance foundation gets built by leaders that care more for people than for them to become a means to an end. These leaders bring love into the enterprise, understand that integrity and values are key, and that a strong shared purpose attracts the best talent. To make individuals contribute, leaders have to enable them to work in their own ways and empower them to make the decisions affecting their areas, in order to bring innovation and teamwork to the workplace. In short, the peak performance foundation is built through an empowering leadership.
Humans tend to be maximizers, so we need to learn the art to optimize instead. We need to learn to get to higher states of conciousness and productivity. To build personal peak performance can be summarized in the saying: "If you expect me to be like you, I will fit in. When you let me be me, I will belong." Schedule your best cognitive work to peak focus hours, reading and reflection to your valleys of rest, and the rest to other parts of the day. Sleep well.
The world becomes more turbulent, faster than companies become more resilient. The ability to innovate across the company and build digital DNA is key to continue to deliver relevant customer value. To stay relevant rests with the ability for companies to harness the untapped capacity for innovation and outsize contribution: to unlock human potential.
Our most important assets in this third millennium will not be technical wizardry, it will be to be human, compassionate and most of all conscious! And I believe that the live human connection is undervalued today. In the age of networked algorithms, the key to success will be the combination of tech and conciousness, tech to augment our capacities, and consciousness of compassion, love, ethics, reflection and observing from higher human awareness.