NBF//Sweden summary: Avinash Kaushik and See|Think|Do|Care


I listened to Avinash Kaushik’s speech How to leverage digital platforms and data to out-innovate your competitors at the 2019 Nordic Business Forum in Stockholm. He shared that we are mostly really bad at supporing customer intent in the digital marketing we do. He proposes the See, Do, Think, Care business framework which aims at replacing the traditional marketing funnel with serving a broad palette of customer intents through our digital channels — See. Think. Do. Care.

We want intent, via expressed behavior; rather than using the marketing funnel, and interrupting customers with marketing. Marketing as we do it is about creating interruptions. When we buy marketing, we need to see if it matches customer intent.

These are notes taken during the speech with only very light editing, do expect some mistakes and grammatical errors.

Avinash Kaushik on stage

We want intent, via expressed behavior

The traditional marketing funnel is not helping us enough, we are interrupting customers with marketing whereever they are. Marketing as we do it, is about creating interruptions. When we buy marketing, we need to see if it matches customer intent instead

Most marketing is based on demographics and psychographics. It is very limited in terms of effect. Customers don’t follow a funnel, and they don’t wake up feeling aware or inspired by your brand or product.

Understand and respond to intent

Understand intent, and respond to intent. We need customer marketing that is all about the customer intent, via expressed behavior, in an intent- entered business framework of See Think Do and Care.

We focus too much on the Do part, and need to provide value through the other parts of the framework as well! Social channels are all good at some part of the framework, but not all. Align and make the whole framework come into play, to serve the customer intent. What happens if we don’t? We give away the customers to our competitors!

Understand the intent in very precise ways, and align what you do with your strategy!

Classify your content according to the framework, is it balanced? Are you wasting your money on the wrong part of the framework? Do people care about you message? See the interactions. Usual problem is a mismatch of intent and content, it does not drive the right outcomes.

Pivot to share your story in a compelling way

Looking back a what @lowengrip shared, make sure you pivot according to your story, and learn how the framework can help you serve the customer intent.

Do organic social media: Inform me. Entertain me. Provide utility. Do it through the perspectives of the framework, where do you server the intent best? What media/what channel/what communication. Don’t do digital and social like you do TV. Be present. Don’t be strategy-less, don’t give them a random collection of crap!

It is a problem if buying reach instead of serving intent! Solve for the right cluster of intent!

Five areas of working with the framework

Optimally align success

According to an aligned measurement capability

Obsess about all outcomes

Obsession about outcomes helps us drive for who should work for us in the company. Why do people visit us? How do we serve those needs/intents.

Allocate your funding accordingly and correctly towards the outcomes you want!

Hold social accountable

Measure the economic outcomes of social! Understand the intents of the channels.

Measure marketing accurately

to allocate the budgets accordingly! Google Analytics, One, Earned or Paid conversion. Attribution analysis.

Obsess about profits.

How much are you really making. It means you make better investment decisions with your dollars.

The takeaway

Move into intents based marketing.

Measurement. Marketing. Content.

Implement these as the next step in improving your marketing, your success drivers:

  • 25% increase in multiple digital outcomes
  • 50% increase in Think content
  • 100% of digital marketing assigned by DDA

All my summaries from Nordic Business Forum Stockholm 2019: